25.1.19 Galette des Rois and Safewise
Gallet des Rois
In French this week Sharks class learnt about the French tradition of 'Galette des Rois' know as Kings Cake. The Galette des Rois is a frangipane tart made with pastry, butter and ground almonds. Usually eaten on the 6th January each year, it is eaten to mark the feast of Epiphany. It is tradition within French families that the youngest child hides under the table and tells the person who cuts it, who gets which piece. Within the cake is a hidden charm known as 'feve', whoever finds this in their slice gets to wear the crown which comes with the cake and is named King or Queen.
It was the task of Kian to tell Mrs Burson who got which slice of cake and in our cake we had 3 charms, which were found by Queen Aimee. King Oliver and King Zak.

24.1.19 Safewise Trip
On Thursday this week, we took a trip to Safewise in Weymouth. The aim of our trip was to learn about keeping safe in different scenarios. We started by looking at fire safety and took a trip to Disaster Drive, which is a part of Safewise made to look like a house with a lounge, kitchen and bedroom. We looked at the many dangers around the house and how we can keep ourselves safe, we also learnt about finding the safest escape route and making an escape plan at home in the event of a fire.
Sharks class also took part in a short play, we learnt about the consequences of hoax calls to 999 and deliberate fire starters and trhe effects it has on our Emergency Services.
After lunch we learnt about road safety, this included all of us being able to drive mobility scooters (which we pretended were cars!) We looked at zebra crossings, pelican crossings, lollipop ladies, walking along a road with no pavement and we were all very shocked at how long it takes a car to stop after they have applied the brakes (and even longer in wet weather!).
Please ask the children to tell you what they have learnt and they are all keen to make escapes plans incase of a fire, if you haven't already got one.