Week 8 - History
On Tuesday this week we were fortunate to have Juliet come into school to visit us. Her interest lies in historic costume and she bought in clothing and artefacts that people would have worn and used 500 years ago. The children had to decide which pieces of clothing went on in which order and whether they belonged to the rich or poor. They handled different fabrics, looked at items that people would have eaten from and discussed different foods and jobs that would have been carried out. We talked a lot about materials used and how they differed from today. They all decided the rich ladies outfit looked very uncomfortable in the heat and they would prefer to be a peasant and work in the dairy or as a servant!
For science the children continued learning about plants, naming common plants, finding out where they grow and looking at their structure. The children had to name, draw, write facts about and measure the leaves of the plants that they found.
The children carried out an independent writing task based on our stories from The Dragon Sitter Disasters. They all enjoyed planning and writing their own versions of what a dragon might get up to if it came to stay at home, especially if they were not properly house trained!
Next week, on Wednesday, we are holding our bi-annual Eco day. Lots of the activities are outside so please make sure your child has sun hat / raincoat depending on what the weather looks like.