Week 13
The children have been busy learning about money in maths, writing Christmas cards in literacy and lots of Christmas themed activities such as Nativity role play, reading books, threading with pipe cleaners, Christmas post box & writing station, toy shop with till & money.
As an introduction to money, we have be looking at the characteristics of coins, their colours, shapes, how many sides and their value. The children worked hard to order the coins from the smallest in value to the largest value. They also enjoyed coin rubbing using metallic crayons, coin stamps, matching coins to their values & practising how to write their values.
In literacy, the children have been writing their Christmas card inserts using their phonic knowledge to record the letters in each word. They have also been practising the digraphs and trigraphs that they have learnt this term and consolidating their knowledge of all of the phase 3 sounds and tricky words.
The children made the most of the dry weather during outdoor learning on Thursday afternoon and took part in many activities such as - partner scavenger hunt, den building, mud kitchen, leaf printing/rubbing, land art & games.
Next week the children will be performing their Nativity play, which be filmed and uploaded to the school website for you to view and photos of the children in their costumes will be on Tapestry.