Week 8
This week our topic book has been ‘Sharing A Shell’. Throughout the week the children have been busy with lots of activities based around the book setting, under the sea. As well as having lots of sea based activities the children have also been working on their own ‘sharing’ and turn taking very well with all our activities. We started the week off with green jelly. Here, the children were able to explore the jelly using their hands and different scooping and pouring equipment. Alongside exploring the wobbly jelly, the children have enjoyed making their very own octopuses using loo rolls, paint and paper for their tentacles. The children have also used our sand play to re-tell their own sharing a shell story with the characters to support their story telling. Later on in the week the Blossom children loved playing and exploring the water tray, especially with the addition of foam bubbles! This has helped to support the children with using the correct language when talking about different capacities.
We also had a fun day celebrating World Book Day. The children we all able to dress up as their favourite characters from their favourite books and enjoyed a range of activities throughout the day as well as a variety of stories read.
We have also been looking into our new sound of the week which has been ‘M’. The children have done really well with pronouncing the different objects and words associated to the sound.