Week 4
This week we have been learning about harvest and learning our poem for the harvest festival. The children have also had a go at writing simple poems based on the colour and texture of fruits and an acrostic poem. They spent a long time practising their poem to perform at the harvest festival and did a fantastic job of learning their words and holding up the correct letters (mostly!) in the right order.
Well done Dolphins!
We had great fun yesterday baking apple cakes and all the children were engaged in the activity. We hope you enjoyed them after the harvest festival and if you have an apple tree at home, why not make one of your own. The children wrote the recipes today so should remember all of the ingredients.
In maths the year 2s have been focusing on addition and number bonds to 20 while year 1s have been counting in 2s and exploring number bonds to 10.
During geogrphy we have started learning about Kenya, a place where many animals from our topic music The Carnival of the Animals live. It is always interesting to learn about somewhere so different from where we live.
Next week we have the Life Education Van in to visit on Wedednesday.