Week 8
Welcome to the blog!!!
In samba we are getting ready for our concert! First, we practised the Samba Reggae piece of music. After that, we played samba funk. We used all of the different hand signals which tell us when to convert to different pieces of music. It is very fun and mostly all of us are enjoying it! 🙂
Sports day!!
We had loads of events including cross country, howlers, hurdles and sprint. It was brilliant, we even got ice lollies! Everyone did amazing in the events! The year 4 children got to help out by marking where the howlers landed. Loads of parents came to watch, it started off misty with electricity in the air, but then the sun appeared from behind the clouds. It was our last sports day and we will remember it forever!
Scrolls & Woodlanders
While group 1 were in Woodlanders, group 2 did art! We started by finishing off our Egyptian art using pastels. After that, we had a look at some Egyptian paintings and we had to answer questions about them. Next, we watched a tutorial about how to make Egyptian scrolls! In our sketchbooks, we tested out our drawings and tried different paint colours by mixing browns, white, red, orange and green!