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Week 3

Our focus story this week has been 'Can I Build Another Me ?' and the children have been thinking about themselves and talking about how old they are, how tall, their features, who they live with, their pets, their likes and dislikes. They have then told their 'robotselves' all of this information and used the computers to draw a picture of themselves and their robot. 

In literacy the children have been labelling a photograph of themselves and practising listening to the sounds in words and letter formation. We have also started learning our phonic sounds - s, a and t this week. Please complete your child's phonic homework activity daily and return their phonics book to school EVERY day. They children will continue to learn a new letter and sound daily, until they have learnt all sounds, in each of the phases. Reading books will also be sent home from Friday which will initially be a picture book. Please read with your child every day and make comments upon their reading in their Reading Record book. Ask the children about the characters, events, order of the story and suggest an alternative ending. Reading and record book to be returned EVERY day please, they will be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The children have continued to complete their Funny Bones hand prints and self-portraits, which are now diplayed in our classroom.

In maths we have continued to work with Numicon, recognising the number that they represent, their colours and practised ordering the plates to form a number line. We have also been practising number recognition, counting, formation, shape and colour.

The children really enjoyed their outdoor learning with Mrs Thompson, who will be delivering these sessions on a Thursday afternoon. They played games, learnt a song about a hedgehog and then built hedgehog houses for their pine cone hedgehogs.
