Week 4 - Science, Habitats
Over the last few weeks in science we have been learn about habitats, why animals live where they do and what they need to survive. The children have been investigating micro habitats in our wildlife garden finding worms, slugs, snails, woodlice, centipedes etc. under logs, in soil, on plants and on trees. They have also been looking at the hedges and bushes to see what birds might be there and thinking why these are good habitats. We will be moving on to learning about why animals live near and depend on each other.
Why not spend a few minutes in your garden or local area and see what micro habitats you can find and what animals are living there......
In literacy the children have created diary entries, as if they were astronauts travelling in space.
In art they have completed their Starry Night paintings based on Van Gogh's. They look super and the children have worked really hard on these. I hope you like the photos.