Week 10
Welcome to the blog!
This week we have done loads so we are going to tell you about it.
In maths we just finished rounding so now we are doing addition and subtraction. We are still doing the TT Rockstars tests.
On Wednesday we did PE and we did a big game with all of us in it that was so fun.The year fours had buddy reading.
On Thursday we had maths we were learning about all of the angles like for example a right angle, which is a quarter of a turn. Angles that are smaller than a right angle are called acute angels and ones that are bigger are called obtuse. We had class assembly where we learnt about Pudsey Day, then on Friday we all came in in non-school uniform and had a cake sale to raise money for Children in Need. It was really fun!
By Ella S and Ivy
This week's photos to follow!