Week 4
This week in maths we have been begining to learn to match quantities to digits and numicon pieces. e.g. finding 5 bears, the numicon piece for 5 and a number 5 digit card. The children are doing brilliantly with the numicon and know lots of the pieces without having to count them out.
In literacy our focus has still been on the story of the Little Red Hen and we had a go at baking our own bread. Kneeding the dough and rolling it into rolls before baking it. Hopefully you got a chance to try some at home!
This afternoon we created some natural 'Autumn' art and the children have fun finding different coloured leaves and making patterns and pictures to go with our word 'Autumn'. We talked about what Autumn means and had lots of lovely explinations from, ' It's when hedgehogs go to sleep', to 'It means it gets colder and the leaves colours change and then they fall off'. I was even told once the leaves have fallen the trees become 'ghost trees'!
We are looking forward to our harvest festival in the morning and the children have worked hard all week to learn their harvest song to perform for you. We do hope you will be able to come. (9am in the school hall).