Week beginning 27th April
Good morning Dolphin Class and welcome to this weeks learning.
Thank you to everyone who has sent me emails. You all seem to be very busy, not just with your school learning but with lots of other activities to. Lots of you are cooking, gardening, walking, going on bike rides and having teddy bear picnics! It's lovely to hear from you and see your photos. Please do keep them coming in.
If you can, please try and complete 20 minutes on Reading Eggs times a week and the same on Mathletics. Don't forget to complete the spelling activities on Reading Eggs too. Keep working on your handwriting each day too, writing your spellings as a handwriting task is a great way to combine both activities. You should also be reading or being read to for 15 minutes a day. This can be books, magazines, comics, information about our topic online, or any other reading material you can find.
Below are the documents for this weeks work. The DT resources are called car, hat, rabbit!. As always, if you are not sure about something or have a question, please do contact me.
Have fun and happy learning.
Ms Braidwood