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Week 5

This week we have been retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children wrote a setting and character description of Jack. Then in their independent writing they retold the story. They used some super story language, lots of adjectives and we had a whole selection of very readable stories. Well done Dolphins, you all worked hard.


In maths Year 2 have continued to focus on time and multiplication whilst Year 1 have continued with their work on money. Again, over half term, if you get the chance, do give your child the opportunity to use money in 'real life' situations. It helps so much to practically apply their learning. 


All the children bought in their shields this week - they look amazing. Fantastic work! We took them up on to the field to have a 'mock' battle and see if it would be easier to defend ourselves from the top of the hill or the bottom. 


Have a restful and happy half term. See you back in school on Monday 3rd June. 
