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Week 9

This week has been super exciting. Beech class have been looking at Opera in their music lessons and have been focusing on the story of Hansel and Gretel. This week they were experimenting with their voices and actions to be the witch and cast a spell. Look at the video clips of the children performing.


In Science, we went on a Gruffalo trail and found some footprints left behind by different animals. We had to work with our partners to measure the footprint and guess who it belonged to. Some of us were very close with most of our answers.


Wednesday afternoon was a very successful Sports Day and I am so proud of the behaviour and participation of all the children in Beech Class. They all did amazingly and I was super shocked at how far some of the children can throw those howlers! See some photos of the hurdle event attached. It was so lovely to see you all there. 


In Maths, Year 1 have been continuing their understanding of place value to 100 whilst Year 2 have been talking about positional language - see the photo of the children arranging their triangle according to full turns, half turns, quarter turns etc.


In English, we have been continuing Poetry and looked at the book 'Oi Frog' - lots of the children knew this rhyming book off by heart. The children have looked at rhyming strings and written their own rhyming sentences and acrostic poems. They chose their own animal to write their acrostic poems about and they all did exceedingly well. 

Witches Spell

Still image for this video

Witches Spell

Still image for this video

Witches cackle

Still image for this video