Week 5
This week we have been focusing on the story of Tiddler. We have written about what fish might learn at school - blowing bubbles was a popular choice! We have painted underwater scenes, woven paper fish and written an underwater adventure for our independent monthly writing. The children certainly know how to use their imaginations!
In maths we have been problem solving. Finding number bonds using numicon and unifix. We have also been learning the days of the week, months of the year and seasons. Do talk to your child at the weekend about what day it is, which season we are in and why.
Their independent challenge was set this week to build a tower taller than themself using anything they wanted to. Lego kept falling over, so the children using that lay it on the floor and made sure it was as long as they were. Others used the waffle bricks and blocks.
The Andy Warhol inspired self portraits are complete and look amazing hanging in the classroom. Do pop in and have a look at the end of the day if you would like to. The children have also created a shell seahorse for the classroom.
Enjoy your weekend.