Week 9
In maths this week we have been learning about time and using everyday langauge related to time. On Tuesday each child had to work out how long it is until their next birthday. Having ordered the months of the year they needed to know their birthday - most now know their month so please talk about the date with them - and then count on from June. It was great to see them working out how to solve this question.
We have been reading the story of The Very Hungary Caterpillar and watching our caterpillars as they have grown and are now in their cocoons. Every child has created their own booklet about the life cycle of a caterpillar and they look brilliant.
Today we have been talking about Matisse in our art and his collage, The Snail. We have all made a collaged frame and next week will choose a minibeast and create the mini beast inside it. The children took great care thinking about colours, whether to make zigzags or curves, straight lines or diaganols and how their frame will look.
During PSHE we have continued to talk about Changing Me and this week thought about how to stay healthy with the right food and exercise. Well done Seahorses, you all know too much sugar is bad for you but running around is good!
Don't forget our Usborne Book Fair tomorrow after school where you can spent your vouchers. We have had a fantastic response to the sponsored read and the children throughout the school have managed to raise about £800 to spend on books for the school Thank you so much to EVERYONE but especially the children for all that fantastic reading. If you don't have a voucher, don't worry, you can still come and buy a book or two for your child!
Next Friday, 29th June is a non uniform day to support the summer fair which will be held on Saturday 30th June. If you can help in any way, please do let myself or Ms Forbes know. We need all the helpers we can to make this PTFA event a success. Every penny raised will go to help the school support your child. Thank you.