Week Beginning Monday 4th May
Hello Sharks!
Well done to all those of you who managed to guess the answer to last week's riddle which was of course…...candle! Although, as Paddy pointed out, it could also have been pencil! Well done to Oakley and Sophia who were the first two to get the correct answer to us!
We hope you have had a good week, and haven’t felt too frustrated by the awful weather. Hopefully you have still managed to get out for some (soggy) walks/scoots/bike rides!
Thank you for all the lovely emails and pictures that we received last week, they really do cheer us up! It’s brilliant to see what you’ve been getting up to! We have seen some amazing Alfred the Great posters, Anglo Saxon artefacts and bus stop division plus much, much more! Here is your next week of Home Learning. We hope you will enjoy the new tasks.
Here is a new website for you to have a look at, it will help you to find out about ANYTHING!!
Take care, keep safe and stay in touch,
Mrs Austin and Miss Darby
PS: Here is this week’s riddle…
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs???