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Week 3

This week we have been learning about Robert Scotts adventures to Antarctica and the children have had a go at writing a diary entry as if they were Scott just after he arrived at the South Pole.  They have used their knowledge and imagination well to think about how he was feeling and what might happen next. 


In science we created some blocks of ice and discussed what they would be like to move on and how penguins and people get around. We have also continued to record the temperature and hours of daylight at school and in the Arctic and Antarctica. As you will have seen, a home work sheet has come back for the children to think about clothes they would need to wear if they travelled to the Polar Regions and why they would need that clothing. Please could these all be returned to school by Monday 28th January.


The children's artwork they have spent the last two weeks creating looks amazing hanging in the classroom. They have used really bright colours to ensure that the polar bear stands out. This Friday we are going be using pastels to create a different type of picture of the polar regions.


The children are all enjoying their swimming lessons and are all confident to get into the water. Well done to everyone for remembering their kit!
