Week 8
This week we have focused on Bonfire Night. We started the week off with a small world Bonfire tuff tray as well as a spider web tuff tray, which we had to try and pick the spiders out of the web using different sized tweezers! Alongside our tuff trays we have been busy creating our our fireworks using paint brushes in a range of different sensory trays including coloured rice and sparkly glitter! We copied different firework patterns such as swirls, zig zags and squiggly lines.
We have also been practicing our counting skills by using a dice which we rolled across the carpet, which we then counted each amount it landed on. Once we had identified each amount, we attempted to write the correct number onto whiteboards.
During our Outdoor Learning this week, we watched a short firework display on the big screen to help us with our big bonfire and firework art. We did this alongside Cherry Class and finished the session off with some lovely hot chocolate and marshmallows! To top off a really busy week, we’ve enjoyed exploring more chocolate playdough which we used to create our own mini bonfires, using pipe cleaners and beads to create the flames.