Week 3 - Forest School
During their Winterbourne Woodlanders sessions the children are learning a huge variety of skills which they can bring back to their learning in the classroom. From measuring and counting, communication and language as well as fine motor and thinking. They also have a lot of fun and with the lovely weather we've had this week, they have really enjoyed their time in the wildlife area with Mrs Thompson. Today they were making guardians of the forest from clay which they filled with poppy seeds and which will hopefully grow in the spring, they made brushes from sticks and evergreens and they collected beech nuts as well as having a snack of apples from our school apple tree.
We have been doing some history this week learning about 4 ships from history and the people who sailed in them. These are HMS Victory, Nelson and Vice-Admiral Hardy, HMS Beagle and Charles Darwin, The Golden Hind and Francis Drake, HMS Endeavour and Captain James Cook.