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Week 9

We had a very busy learning week in school last week.

In Maths, we were consolidating our number bonds to 10 and 20 and adding three 1 digit numbers together. We noticed that if we could add two numbers to make 10 first then this would be easier. Lots of us used this method.

(See below)

In our history lessons we continued our learning of the Great Fire Of London and worked in small groups to sequence the events in chronological order. Thank you so much for the contributions to our display in class it looks amazing! We have even had some 3D crafting homework. Thank you children!

In Literacy, we wrote some diaries pretending we were Boxton the rat (from Vlad and the Great Fire of London) and used some fantastic vocabulary to describe the rats movements such as: scampering, sniffing etc.

We were lucky enough to have a visit from the Life Education lady where she taught us lots of ways to keep our bodies safe and healthy. We even met Harold the Giraffe - who helped us with our learning.


Thank you for supporting your children with their celebratory reading at home - they are shining like super stars in class and I am noticing their confidence with reading expanding by the day! Keep it up Beech class!



