Week 1
Welcome Back after what I hope was a fantastic Easter break for all. The children seem well rested and have settled back into school life seamlessly.
This week we have learned to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs with actions and a class story map. See pictures. The children are EXCELLENT at retelling the story. See if they can remember any of it to show you at home. This has fed into their own writing where they have hugged the structure of the traditional story closely but concentrated on the grammatical structure and punctuation within each sentence. In Maths, Year 1 have been grouping (both equally and unequally) whilst Year 2 have been introduced to fractions. See photographs.
In Art, we are working with clay this half term. In our first lesson we learned how to smooth, flatten and squash the clay. We all had a great time. We then experimented mark making in the clay. In Computing, we have started typing on word processing software. Lots of us found this very tricky but with lots of practise we will only improve.
A very successful first week back - well done Beech Class keep up your continued hard work!