Week 2
Our first full week back has certainly been a busy one as the children have become more familiar with our daily routines and expectations. They all know where their pegs and drawers are, they are remembering to put their seahorses up for self registration and are sitting well in their bubbles on the carpet. Story times already show how able they are to sit quietly, focus and listen.
We start each day with a 'Storycise' story. We have a different story for each day of the week, but each Monday will have the same story etc. Storycise is a progressive programme of movement skills presented in a story format that is accessible to all children but becomes more challenging as time goes on. Every child can develop at their own pace and it has been shown to aid both gross and fine motor development. The children are really enjoying them and as we move through the weeks they will be able to retell the stories themselves and add details which will aid their communication and language skills as well as their physical development.
On Tuesday we did our first bit of 'writing' in our books - drawing pictures of our families (including cats, dogs and goldfish!) and talking about people who are important to us. We also had buddy reading when year 4 buddies come to share stories and books with us. It was lovely to see the interaction between the children as they chatted and read.
Today we spent the afternoon outside for our 'natural learning' afternoon in the wildlife garden. Luckily the rain mostly held off. Thank you to everyone who remembered to send in wellies and waterproofs - these are needed every Thursday throughout the year.
Have fun decorating your learning journeys over the weekend. Please could these all be back in school by Monday 25th September. Could I also ask that family photos are sent in at the begning of next week. Thank you.