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Week 4

At the beginning of the term, the children started to learn a song with some actions to celebrate Harvest Festival. Over the past weeks they have become very confident singing the words and remembering all of the actions to accompany each verse. We have been discussing what Harvest Festival is and why we celebrate it. Next week will be tasting fruit and vegetables and using our senses to describe how they look, smell and taste. Please see Tapestry to view the children singing our Harvest Festival song.

Our focus story has been 'My World, Your World' and we have been discussing how we are all different from one another and what makes us unique. We have continued thinking about our own characteristics, our families, family traditions, our likes and dislikes and how they might be different to those of others. 

In maths we have continued to learn our Big Number song up to 20 and have also introduced new actions. We have been learning about weight and using the language of - light, lighter, lightest, the same, balancing, heavy, heavier and heaviest. The children used the scales to compare the weight of objects from around the classroom and then ordered them from the lightest to the heaviest.

During outdoor learning on Thursday afternoon, the children practised their motor skills when stone stacking, den building and mud kitchen play. Please do make sure that your child has appropriate clothing for these sessions as they will be getting very wet and muddy!
