Week 4
Firstly a thank you to all of your for your kind wishes and patience whilst I have been away.
This week in literacy we have been learning our Harvest poem to recite and we have had a go at writing our own harvest poems. We have written an acrostic poem and a descriptive poem. The children worked hard thinking about the language they could use to describe each fruit or vegetable.
During maths we have learnt about money and time. Both of these are quite tricky for children especially as so much of our shopping is done using cards and online. If you have a chance over the coming weeks, see if you can spend a bit of time with your children looking at coins, talking about prices and letting them buy something for you using cash. A loaf of bread or a pint of milk, so they start seeing how money works. All the children are starting to be able to tell the time to the hour and half hour, so over the weekend see if they can read the time for you.
In science we looked at magnets and magnetism. I then set the children a challenge to remove paperclips from the bottom of a glass of water without getting wet, touching the glass or putting anything else into the water........
As it was our harvest festival today we decided to bake apple cakes for the PTFA to sell with teas and coffees to raise money for our school charities. The children all took part in the baking and writing recipes and the apples were picked from our apple trees on the school field. We do hope you enjoyed the cake. If you didn't get a chance buy a recipe today, let your child know and we can get one sent home!
Dolphin Class did a fantastic job at reciting their poem this morning. Well done all of you.
Next week we will be doing some junk modelling - if you have anything suitable to send in, please do.