Week 1
Happy New Year! What a great first week back we have had. This week have started our new topic of ‘Transport and Travel’. We have kicked things off with our topic book being ‘Oi! Get off out train’ which the Blossom Children have enjoyed a range of different train themed activities throughout the week. To help support the children’s mark making skill we have turned our writing area into a train ticket desk, here the children have used a range of different crayons, pens and stencils to write their very own tickets. Alongside this, the children have create their very own ‘name trains’, hear the children we able to find their name cards and use lettered pieces of paper to stick down to create their names. A big favourite activity this week has been our small world themed tuff tray with all of the animals from ‘Oi! Get off our train’ in. The children have enjoyed creating their very own stories around this tray, using the people and animals to support this. The Blossom children have also enjoyed using the paints this week, they have used different objects such as building blocks to create their own train pictures as well as using sponges to paint on our large class train picture.
We finished our week off with Outdoor learning with Mrs Thompson, which we all absolutely loved!