Week 12

This week, we have been looking at instructions in Literacy. The children have been working in pairs to follow instructions to make a springy spider, worked individually to read/listen to some instructions and carry them out, they watched Mrs Beale 'incorrectly' make a jam sandwich four times! The instructions were not chronological and so the children sorted them so that they were chronological and then followed them to make their own jam sandwiches. They loved eating them! (see above)
To link into Maths and the topic of 'Time', Beech class have also made fruit skewers and spoken about what came first, second, last, before and after. They have also discussed the difference between seconds, minutes and hours and talked about different events that would be measured using each unit of time.
In Art, the children have been mixing primary colours to make the three secondary colours and then mixing the secondary colours together to see what happened. They noticed that when green, orange and purple were mixed together the page was darker than when the primary colours were mixed to make green, orange and purple. They then used white and black to experiment the shades becoming lighter and darker. The children were then 'texture detectives' and collected natural materials from the grounds. They used cotton buds, forks, sponges, paintbrushes, fingers, squares of cardboard and screwed up tinfoil to create different textures (see above).
The summer holiday is fast approaching!