Week 8
It was a wonderful week - and a real pleasure to be teaching Beech Class and meeting you all during Parents Evening.
We were super busy with updating some of our displays - thank you so much for all of the outstanding homework that has come into class - it is already up on display in the classroom and has brightened the space up and looks fantastic. We also did lots of PSHE learning around self esteem and it being ok to make mistakes - that is how we do our best learning. We have decided as a class to change our learning partners each week so that each week we get to learn alongside somebody different in our class. We have also chosen to have a raffle ticket system where children can earn themselves raffle tickets that then get put into a jar and on a Friday two names will be pulled out to choose something from the 'Prize box'!
We learned about the Gunpowder plot and made firework cookies - they were super tasty and the children enjoyed using the bright coloured icing to make them very sparkly. We also made firework pictures using glitter and chalks - you should have seen those coming home.
We are reading three times a week in school - one lesson on decoding, one on prosody and one on comprehension and then your child will bring their home to celebrate their level of reading - please remember to record in their green learning journals when you have shared reading together at home and return the book and journal on a Monday with your child. Children are thriving in their Phonics lessons and we are learning some alternate graphemes for the same phoneme.
In Maths, we have been looking at number bonds to 10 and 20 and representing these in different ways.
I hope you enjoyed any celebrations you may have had (Halloween/Bonfire night).
Mrs Beale