Week 12
This week the children have been learning all about their local environment. During the week we have focused on different landmarks local to the school, these being farms, post boxes, car garages and churches.
To help support the children in learning and exploring the farm around them we created our very own sheep using fluffy cotton wool to represent sheep’s wool. The children also had fun thinking of their own farm animal patterns, which they stuck into their independent books.
Whilst learning about our local post box, the children took to the writing area to write and draw their own letters and post cards to post into their own post box.
Later in the week we focused on all things cars and car garages! Here the children used different sized shapes to create their very own cars, recognising each shape they wanted to use.
We also talked about our local church and looked into stained glass windows. The children had a go at creating their very own stained glass windows using watercolour paints.
The Blossom children have continued to enjoy exploring a range of sensory tuff trays through the week to support their speech and language, discussing all the different textures they could feel, see and smell. These trays included rice pouring and scooping, small world farm with different cereals and shaving foam with building blocks to build and cons their own churches.
Blossom children are continuing to learning their Nativity song ‘A King is Born’ in preparation for their Nativity.