Week 6 - Safe Wise
On Tuesday we visited Safe Wise to learn about how to stay safe from fire in our homes, how to cross a road safely and a bit about eating healthy food, exercising and cleaning our teeth.
The children's first activity was a quiz to see how much they already knew. They achieved the highest score Safe Wise has ever had which was a great start. We then watched a video about Francis the Firefly and the dangers of matches whilst we ate our snack. 'Matches, lighters never touch, they can hurt you very much.'
We met Flames the dragon and a fireman puppet who took us to Disaster Drive. Here the children could look at a bedroom, kitchen and sitting room and see what hazards they could see that might cause a fire. There were hair straighteners on a bed, overloaded electric sockets, an iron on top of clothes, matches left out and many more hazards. The children were very good at spotting them and explaining why they were dangerous.
Just before lunch we focused on healthy eating and the importance of hygiene. A 4-6 year old should only have the equivalent of 5 sugar cubes a day and we learnt that a bowl of sugared cereal e.g. frosties actually contains 9 sugar cubes! We used lego blocks to see how much sugar other foods contained and compared it to how much we should have. The children then made hand prints in paint and had the challenge of washing all the paint off to check their hands were thouroughly clean!
After lunch we did a firefighters fitness wake and shake before splitting into four groups to learn about road safety. The children were taken across a puffin crossing, zebra crossing, a crossing with a lollipop lady and shown how to cross a road safely when there is no crossing. They also had some information about safety when in a car and beach safety.
At the end of the day we redid the quiz and our score did go up but we didn't quite make the 100% correct that we hoped for. However the children did so well they were all given a special reflector to say well done.
All the children behaved really well and I was very proud of their knowledge, their sensible attitude and how well they participated in every activity. I hope you enjoy the photographs.