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Week 13

The summer is here! Beech Class has been a busy place this year with plenty going on. We have completed our topic of Knights and Castles which spread over the whole summer term. It certainly appears to have captured the children's imagination and it has been wonderful hearing the children share facts about knights and castles which they have read at home, and bringing in topic related books to discuss.


Our final week saw us take a trip to Corfe Castle. We are very grateful for the support we received from parent helpers to ensure the trip could go ahead. The children enjoyed their visit and were able to use their knowledge to identify parts of the castle. They were impressed with the view given by the height of the castle and were amazed at how far they could see when peering through the arrow slits!


A few photos of the castle are shown below. Please enjoy a wonderful summer break. Year 2 children will be missed but they are prepared for an exciting time in Year 3. We will see the Year 1 children in class again in September as they begin Year 2!


