Week 4
We made beautiful Diwali lanterns as part of our learning on the Hindu religion this week. The children have learned that Hindus celebrate Diwali, (the festival of light) by getting together with family and friends, eating, telling stories and lighting candles and fireworks. In music this week, we listened to The Colonel Bogey March and marched along to the pulse! We’re getting through our class book, The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andi Shepherd, which all of the children are enjoying, (as well as Miss Darby!) Ask them to talk you through what’s happened in the story so far. If you have a copy of the book at home, no peeking at the next chapters please! It’s been great to see the story unfold together as a class. Well done to our Rainbow Readers this week who are pictured below. Remember, 5 reads recorded at home in a week, (from Friday after school and before the next Friday morning), mean that your child can move up the Reading Rainbow and we can all celebrate their success! A huge well done to the children who received Headteacher awards in our class collective worship.