Final week of the Autumn Term
Our final week of the Autumn term was filled with lots of fun as we counted down the days until Christmas!
We all had a turn at making and decorating biscuits with Mrs Burson, we made a selection of stained glass biscuits, gingerbread men and Christmas biscuits. They were delicious and we ate them during our party morning on Thursday.
On Wednesday we had our whole school Christmas meal in the hall. All children and staff were treated to decorated tables, crackers and a lovey lunched served to us by the PTFA. As is tradition we made hats to wear for the occasion.
Thursday morning was our party morning, in our bird groups we had prepared a game for the class to play, we had Pin the Nose on Rudolph, Musical Chairs and The Tomato Ketchup Game.
Friday afternoon was very exciting, we had a special visitor ... Father Christmas! He talked to us in the hall and presented us with a lovely present.