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Week 11

The week started off with snow and the school looked quite different covered in white!


This week our focus has been on information books and how we can find out information using books or the internet. We have also been concentrating on alphabetical order and starting to learn our letter names.  In phonics we have moved on to our phase 4 words which incorporate ccvc (swim) and cvcc (jump) words. Listening for all the sounds within a word can be tricky. 


In maths we have been talking about shapes, both 3D and 2D and looking at all the shapes around us. We've made dinosaurs from shape, patterns from shapes and discovered plenty of shapes in our environment.


During natural learning we used mud, grass, sticks, feathers and leaves to mark make and see what colours and effects we could achieve. It was messy but fun using those natural materials.


This week the children have also begun to think about what type of learners they are - the Characteristics of Effective Learning. We have introduced animals e.g. the go for it gorilla, and the persevering parrot to describe how they learn. The children are enjoying moving their pictures onto the animal that represents them during an activity. 




