Week 5
Our book this week has been The Pig in the Pond. The children have had lots of fun reading, sequencing and retelling this story and drawn some fabulous pictures of what happens.
In maths we have been working on numbers and having a go at writing some of them. While the weather is fine we have been able to do this outside in chalk on the playground.
Our phonic sounds this week are g, o, c, k, and our first digraph ck. Well done to everyone who is managing to complete their phonic books over the week. Spending a few extra minutes a day will pay off!
The highlight of our week was our visit to Tesco to follow their farm to fork trail. We got to see areas of Tescos which most people aren't allowed to visit. We went in the bakery to see the giant bowls and machines used for making bread and even got to stand in the giant proving oven! We went in to the freezer for a few moments only as it was so cold and got to try lots of different fruits. The children were beautifully behaved, listening well, asking and answering questions. Well done Seahorse - we are very proud of you all!
Today the Life Education Van visited school and we got to meet Harold the Giraffe as we learnt how to look after ourselves and keep healthy. A letter has come home tonight about the visit so please do talk to your children about it all.