Week 10 - Comic relief and Science
Well done to everyone who came dressed in red, with red noses and pounds to raise money for Comic Relief today. Your money will make a real difference. Thank you!
In science this week we continued our work on materials and having learnt about Charles Mackintosh last week we did our own experiment using different types of fabric to see which ones were waterproof and which ones work. Coming to a conclusion about which one we would use to make a waterproof coat from.
In literacy the children have worked really hard creating and writing their own traditional tale. They had to create a good and evil character, describe their setting and tell their own story. These have been very exciting to read and luckily all of our good characters ended up living 'happily ever after'!
In maths we have been learning about time and how to tell the time. Do please keep practicing telling the time with your children at home. It is really important that all the year 2s can tell the time to 5 minutes and the year 1s to the hour and half past, starting to find quarter past and quarter to.