30.11.18 A busy week!
We had a busy week this week in Sharks class.
On Monday and Tuesday the children bought in their roman homework projects, which were fantastic! We had mosaics, villas, shields, drawings and abacuses. The children took a lot of time and effort to produce these pieces so well done!
On Tuesday we had a visit from Wessex Water, during our assembly the children learnt that toilets and sewer pipes in the UK are designed only to take the three Ps: Poo, Pee and (Toilet) Paper! During our workshop we learnt more about what we can and can’t put down the drains and also how we can save water by playing a game of water saving bingo.
On Thursday we welcomed Reverend Jean, Dick and a couple of the PTFA who came to help us make Christingles. We learnt about the how the orange represents the world, the red ribbon represents the love and blood of Christ, the sweets and dried fruit represent all of God’s creations and the candle in the middle represents Jesus’s light.
Finally on Friday we walked to the church for our annual advent service, where we began the advent celebrations, leading up to Christmas. We were joined by Reverend Jean and thank you to friends and families who joined us also.