Week 1
We have started off Summer term with our new topic of ‘The Seaside’ and a new topic book ‘What the ladybird heard at the seaside’. To help support this book the children have been busy doing lots of ladybird-based crafts, starting off with ladybird handprints, which the children independently did after following the instructions set. Alongside these hand prints, the children also created their very own sea creatures using a range of different media.
As well as craft activities, the children have enjoyed playing with our tuff trays. One of their favourite being the water tree, this has had a range of different activities in such as pouring and filling and an underwater themed small world water play tray. The blossom children have also shown their brilliant sandcastle making skills in our sand tray. They were all able to tell the adults how to they would make a sandcastle explaining that dry sand will not work, so we must add water! They then decorated their sandcastles with a range of different size stones and shells.
The blossom children have also been busy learning a new sound of the week which has been ‘K’ identifying different words beginning with the sound.