Week Beginning 4th May
Hello Sharks Class!
We hope you have all had a lovely week and have managed to enjoy this very special VE Day bank holiday Friday. Miss Darby has been spoilt today, as Freya made some lovely scones which we have enjoyed in the garden with jam and clotted cream! Lots of you have clearly been busy this week, and there has been some lovely history work sent in from many of you. The Anglo-Saxon village work has clearly caught your imaginations. There have been some lovely pictures of your bug hotels coming in. Benjamin did his with his dad and we think it is five star! The cards and letters to Park House Residential Care Home are so lovely and they will be very much appreciated. George's letter brought a tear to my eye and you can read it below. It's not too late if you haven't written yet, the residents are still unable to have visitors and you can write to them anytime you like. Feel free to write more than once as well! This week, Sophia has been joining George in the tree climbing shenanigans! Zak shared a photo at him working on his new desk, which liiks like a photo straight out of the Ikea catalogue! Ellis has written a fantastic Coronavirus acrostic poem and Isabella has been super busy getting through the work set, as well as getting crafty with her younger siblings! There's been so much going on that I think I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. As ever, we miss you Sharks Class!!
Be safe, Be kind, Be Happy,
Miss Darby and Mrs Austin