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Week 14

This week our focus has been on nativity rehearsals and the children have been very patient and focused in practising their parts and songs and everyone now knows their words without a script. Well done! (Don't forget your words over the weekend though!)


We have combined our literacy and history this week and discussed differences and similarities between toys that were around during the Victorian times and those we have now. We have also done some research on different toys and created a timeline to show when different toys were made. Did you know that evidence of dolls houses have been found in Egyptian tombs? They weren't common though until the 16th Century. We found out lots of interesting facts using the computers.  Next week we will be finding out about Victorian Christmas's. 


During science we have been learning about what makes something living and trying to remember all the different things a living plant or animal has to be able to do. We went up in the wildlife garden and talked about trees and plants, insects and birds and how we know they were alive. We also found some dead plants and wood and talked about why they were no longer alive. 


Next week will be a busy one. The nativity dress rehearsal is on Monday. Our performances are on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9:30. Tuesday's performance is for adults only, siblings are welcome to our Wednesday performance. Wednesday is also our Christmas lunch day. On Friday, the last day of term,  we are holding our Christmas jumper day, so the children can come into school wearing their festive jumpers.

