Week 12
The highlight of our week was definitely Sports Day on Wednesday afternoon. All the children took part and showed excellent sporting spirit. The afternoon began with the children parading onto the field to 'It's coming home', followed by a whole school warm up dance to 'I'm still Standing'. Seahorse children did the Cross Country Race, Hurdles, Throwing ad sprint. All of them participated with sporting enthusiasm and had lots of fun. The afternoon finished with a Mum's and Dad's throwing competition while the children had ice lollies. Well done to all the parents who took part and thank you to all of you who were able to come and cheer your children on.
This morning was another reception transition day so Seahorses had a special treat of spending time with Sharon and Miss Forbes creating mazes and maps in the wildlife area. Good fun was had by all.
On Tuesday the children completed their final piece of writing in their monthly independent writing books. Wow! It is amazing to see how far they have progressed in less than a year.
In maths we have been working on one more and one less as well as beginning to find number bonds to numbers to 10.
Congratulations to Tabby-Ann who is our Seahorse DASP citizen this year. She went to a special ceremony on Tuesday evening at The Thomas Hardye School to collect her trophy and badge. The children across DASP vote for the child in their class who they feel has embraced our 7Cs over the year. It is a democratic vote and the children are looking for that caring, considerate, courteous, co-operative, communicative, conscientious, confident caterpillar. The children found it very difficult to choose just 1 person and I'm not surprised. Our class is full of children who really do embody all of those qualities.
Don't forget on Monday 23rd July we will be having our Bug Day when the children can come dressed as any mini beast they would like to.