Week 6
Welcome to the blog
On Monday we carried on our leaflets about Dorchester. We also did art in which we painted our still life picture! A great time was had in music, reading vipers and SPAG (such a busy day!)
Tuesday we did our normal early bird activities as we came in and then we carried on our morning learning lots and being creative with our leaflets. In our Topic we learnt about all the settlements such as Hamlets, Towns, Cities and Villages.
On Wednesday we finished out Reading vipers book ‘Voices in the Park’ by Anthony Browne. In the afternoon we had P.E with Mrs Mac Sweeny and we played hockey games which was year 4’s vs year 4’s and year 3’s vs year 3’s. Both games were a draw!
On Thursday we started off with handwriting and then carried on our usual morning lessons. In the afternoon group one did science with Mrs Pearce and group two had Woodland school with Mrs Thompson.
Friday morning we had Collective Worship, well done! Afterwards we had maths, after snack and break we had P.E, Fitness time. In the afternoon we had ICT and we used computers to look up different websites.
By Jessica and Vinnie!
Have a good weekend!