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Week 11

This week in maths the children have been learning about time. We have been revising days of the week, months of the year and telling the time to the hour and half hour. It can be quite tricky so keep practising at home. Why not see if your child can remember everyones birthday month. They have also been carrying out different activities to see if they can be measured in seconds, minutes or hours. 


In literacy we have read The Big Blue Whale and learnt lots of amazing facts about this fabulous creature. Did you know that it's poo fertilizes the oceans and when it dies its body sinks to the bottom of the ocean to create a whole new mini eco system for hundreds of other creatures! 


We were going to do a big junk modelling project for our art but due to the circumstances have had to be slightly less ambitious. The children have made really bright colourful 'bottle based' fish and we had lots of fun designing and making them. Thank you for sending in empty bottles. 


In science the children combined their artistic talents to draw and paint minibeasts in their habitats. We will have another go at this next week. 


Have a happy weekend ready for our final week back before the summer holidays!
