Week 4
This week we have been busy continuing to decorate our harvest crowns and practice our Harvest song 'Thank you Farmer' which the children sang beautifully at our Harvest festival on Friday. Well Done Starfish class!
The children enjoyed creating paper plate animals this week using paint and collage materials. Since we have had so much rain the children were so happy for an excuse to get their wellies on to splash and paddle in the puddles. We used this opportunity to do some floating and sinking.
During outdoor learning the children listened to the story 'Funny Bones'. Following this the children co operated well together using their bodies to create a huge skeleton on the grass.
We have been focusing on developing our fine motor skills by threading beads onto sticks in playdough.
This week the children had some special visitors come into school - A Hen with her week old chicks. This was a lovely learning opportunity for the children.