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Week 4 - Understanding of the World

The children have enjoyed exploring our outdoor area and learning about how to grow fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs. We discussed what they might need to grow and the children knew that they needed to be planted in soil, have sunshine & to be watered regularly. We explained that we must take care of all of our lovely plants and then when the fruit and vegetables have grown, we will be able to eat them for our snack. We also passed around the herbs and rubbed their leaves to smell their fragrance and talked about their names and what they can be used for such as in cooking, their oils in products and the health benefits. The children are being very careful to water the plants and follow our class rota, which shows them who's turn it is each week.

Over the next couple of weeks the children will be planting their own sunflower seeds and then regularly measuring them and recording, to see how tall they have grown. These seeds were taken from the sunflower's that the Reception children had grown last year!

In PSED we have been learning about healthy food groups and this has also supported the children's learning and understanding in this area.
