Week 11
This week the children have had lots of fun making and playing their own board games. They had to think of mathematical problems to solve and different amounts to move as they travel around the board. We had some lovely ideas from starting as an egg to turn into a butterfly and working your way around a snails shell.
On Tuesday the children did their final bit of independent writing for the year. They wrote a mini beast adventure. All of them produced a fabulous piece of writing and we enjoyed looking back at their books to see what they had done in September and what they are able to do now. They have also enjoyed the story of The Bad Tempered Ladybird and been retelling it with our stick puppets.
Next week is our final week of the term and there are a few extra things to remember. On Wednesday at 2:15 we are having our exposure in the classroom. It would be great if you could join us as the children share their learning for this half of term. On Thursday it is our dress up as a bug day and buddy picnic on the field at lunch time. We will be doing some baking and playing bug related games. I will also try and send all their artwork home at the end of the day, so if you could send your child in with a named bag that would be really helpful.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.