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Week 4 - RE

In RE this half of term we are learning about the Christian Creation story with the question Who Made the World? We have read the story of creation and talked about what sort of God might create a world as wonderful as ours. This week we have talked about being grateful and thankful for what has been provided for us in this world and linked it to harvest. The children discussed being grateful to farmers and farmworkers, people who transport our food and those that store and sell it to us. They also decided we should eat slowly and enjoy every mouthful of our food as we eat it!


In literacy we have been learning about different jobs on board the ships we have been learning about. Carpenters and surgeons, cooks and gunners, captains and coopers and deciding which job we would like to do. The children have had a go at applying for their chosen job and writing a letter home explaining what they have to do. 


Don't forget that next Tuesday 4th October is our dress up as a pirate day. Please also send in any suitable junk modelling materials. We will also have our Harvest Festival on Friday 7th October at 9am in the school hall. 
