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Week 12

This week we had a very emotional assembly because Ms Moore left after being here for 10 years (a decade). It was a very sad day and lots of tears from children and staff. Ms Moore always gave us a chinese whisper challenge at the end of our lessons and for our last lesson we got it right! Our prize was a sweet … It was the highlight of our day!

Today we had our first lesson with our new P.E teacher called Mrs Mcsweeney and she is very kind! 


We have finally finished our pastel art. It was so fun and everyone enjoyed it (Although a bit messy!) They look amazing. 


After weeks of practice, on Thursday we held our samba concert. We were AMAZING! And the audience really enjoyed our performance. Our samba teacher Mr Wipmarsh has been fantastic and everybody enjoyed it. The instruments we used were repinique, caixa, ganza, surdo, agogo bells, tambrims, guio and we did use drum pads but not in the concert!


By Fleur and Phoebe 

