Eco Day May 2018
We've had another successful Eco Day with perfect weather. All the children, including preschool, took part in three workshops throughout the day. These were chosen by the children beforehand.
Ms Moore ran the tennis sessions and it looks like we might have a few future Wimbledon players in our midst. Miss Marsh created some delicious pesto pancakes with her groups. Minibeast hunts were led by Mrs Hallett and the children made some small bamboo bug houses. Sharon made seed paper using recycled newspaper, old photo frames and strawberry seeds. Ms Braidwood led shelter building and clay pot making with the help of Mrs Tyler and Mrs Beasley ran the water colour workshops. Some of the paintings the children have produced are beautifully detailed and the colours very vibrant. Mrs Kerlew led the snake making using recycled ties and shredded paper - they looked brilliant and Mrs Burson and Mrs Horne very bravely led the knitting workshops.
The children had a good time learning new skills and working confidently and cooperatively alongside others of all ages. Well done!
Thank you to all the staff for making the day so successful.