Wildlife Working Party March 2019
On Saturday 9th March a working party of parents, grandparents and children came together at school to start revamping our wildlife garden. At over ten years old it was in need of some care and attention and everyone got stuck in to once again, make it an attractive and useable area. The paths are being re-boarded and re-stoned, a new bedding area has been dug over to create a large herb bed and the whole area tidied and pruned back. There is still more work to be done and weather permitting, we will be running another session on Friday 22nd March from 3pm onwards to try and finish the structural.
We will be contacting the local garden centres to see if we can get discounts on herbs - rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, parsley - but if anyone has any herb plants they are willing to donate, please do bring them in for us. We are also in need of two garden benches, again if you have a spare one or know where we could purchase one at a reasonable price, please let me know. The other item we need are large logs for a seating area - if you have any or know someone who does - get in touch.
The wooden boards have kindly been donated by Dorchester Timber and the stone for the paths by Crooks. We are very grateful to have the help and support of local businesses who have helped to make this project viable.
Thank you also to all the families who helped out at the weekend - we couldn't have done it without you.
Enjoy the photographs.