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Week 10

This week in Geography, following our local walk last week we used a Google Earth shot of Winterbourne Abbas to try to draw an aerial map (see photos). We discussed symbols and worked collaboratively on this task. We worked hard to include a key on our map. We then had a look at an Atlas and learned that there are 7 continents in the world. We learned where Europe is in relation to Asia - we started to look for China as next week's lesson involves delving deeper into Shanghai. 


In Literacy, we continued our work on narrative writing based on 'Lost and Found' - we wrote some opposites in our sentences this week such as: The boy was delighted but the penguin was lonely. We focused on joining two sentences together.


In Maths, both year groups have been looking at weight and capacity (see photos) - Year 1 have looked at non standard units of measurement whilst Year 2 have looked at standard measurements such as millilitres and litres. 


In RE, we learned how Christians believe that God loves them and forgives them. We thought about how we show love towards our parents, carers and friends. 


Well done Beech class you have worked super hard this week - as always!

